Philadelphia, PA -> Nyack, NY

I woke up to my alarm blaring at me. A peek at my phone revealed that breakfast was cancelled. A bleary-eyed holler at Ethan from his couch to alert him of the same and back to bed. I packed the new bags and set off to Emma's house where Arielle had my camera. After, that off to Hoboken. I met my friend Max, an old Drexel friend at his place where we made the most of a short amount of time together. Between my slow start and his girlfriend's demand of a day for just the two of them, it left us precious little time. We caught up as best we could. Four years in two hours, such is life.

Tony Boloney's Real Eyetalien Food

The plan from there was to head into New York City to meet up with a friend. Said friend (who shall go unnamed) was being flaky which resigned me to Max's apartment for a few hours while I plotted my next move. A brief nap and I went in. The Holland Tunnel is commonly called horrible (harrable in the local parlance). I would especially not recommend it on an aircooled motorcycle during a heat wave. I entered the city and settled in an Italian restaurant for dinner and made my way north for Nyack. I'm blessed to have a reliable family, I know not all are quite so lucky. While my aunt and uncle are out of town, visiting my parents and their parents in California, my cousin Ben and his girlfriend Carla were around. After a little rain I made it to Nyack. We barhopped (went to the bar in town) and called it a night.

Today's Distance: 127 Miles

Total Distance: 3661 Miles
