Los Alamos, NM

Finally, a relaxing day. This was my first day where I didn't touch the bike once. After the thrashing that was the last two days, I was happy for it. I slept for nine hours and I still felt sleepy during the day. Being a recovery day, not much went on. I grabbed breakfast for Daniel and I at a local restaurant which allowed me to consume more green hatch chilies. Or as they're called here, green. Tea and biscochitos followed. For those not in the know, a biscochito is a traditional New Mexican cookie that is best described as a very flat once-baked biscotto. Delicious.

I spent most of the day on the couch learning about the history of Los Alamos, let's just say it's strange. To TL;DR it for you, there was a ranch school here where they taught the sons of the rich how to be outdoorsmen. Oppenheimer was tasked with finding a place to figure out how to build an atom bomb and he liked the way it looked here. Many of the older buildings in the center of town were built by the army and its contractors during the war.

When I wasn't binging Wikipedia I was binging weather.gov. There was looking to be some nasty thunderstorms between here and Amarillo tomorrow and that was going to extend my stay if the forecast didn't change. Things have calmed down so I'm back on the road tomorrow morning. After a green chile bagel (yes they really do put it in everything here) Daniel and I headed up into the mountains to take some photos of the town. You aren't allowed to take pictures of The Lab so we took no photos of that.

A view of Los Alamos that does not include The Lab

Could be Daniel, could be Sasquatch. I really don't remember.

Off to dinner with his father at Rancho De Chimayo for one last dive into New Mexican cuisine. Out here, they really do make a delicious mix out of Mexican food and native cooking. Burritos, enchiladas, tamales, and you guessed it, red hatch chilies.

Digesting is hard work, maybe that's why my eyelids feel so heavy.
